Plus in today's ever expanding world of media, TV is becoming the playground of some of the biggest stars and writers in Hollywood, that said I'll get to the point.
I was late to the Sherlock craze a whole 2 series had been released before I jumped on the bandwagon, this surprisingly happens a lot. I'm not quick to catch on to a craze I take my time doing other things which I believe are more important first. I'm usually wrong, the same can be said for Sherlock; I was hearing all these things about a huge cliff hanger and how many people had watched the episode and how amazing it was and what could it all mean? So I decided to give it a go, and boy was I right. I was thrilled and overwhelmed by the genius of this completely British production.
Season 3 has just begun after an agonizingly long wait, but was it worth waiting for; well obviously with writers like Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat the answer is a resounding Yes. Without giving away the ending of season 2, it was obvious that what everybody believed had happened couldn't possibly be true, otherwise there would be no show, but how were they going to explain such a big plot point? I had waited so long and played around with the story in my head but I couldn't figure out how they could get themselves out of it. Well it's safe to say I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but it seemed so certain and complete, but here is where the genius of the writers comes into play. As soon as you get the explanation it just seems so simple, of course it makes perfect sense.
This show is a must watch, its incredible in every area. The direction is superb, the writing is absolute perfection and the performances are just spot on. Benedict Cumberbatch has taken this character that many people think they know from the classic novels by Arthur Conan Doyle and fitted him seamlessly into the modern world. A world that we are all too familiar with, it is this that makes everything so believable. Gatiss and Moffat have imagined such unrealistic stories that are all so acceptable to us as an audience. We simply believe that these things could happen. Cumberbatch's fast talking, Sheldon Cooper like Holmes has made him an international star. Martin Freeman is just as brilliant as the more grounded, serious Dr John Watson and the chemistry between the pair is obvious and it works so well.
Episode 1 of Season 3; The Empty Hearse has revealed that the writers are definitely not short on ideas, and they still like to leave us confused and impatient for the next part. The episode is beautifully shot and all the elements that made the show stand out previously have been used again by director Jeremy Lovering. Mark Gatiss appears again as Sherlock's brother Mycroft. Gatiss is a man of many talents, no only has he co-written this amazing series but he inhabits the part of Mycroft Holmes so well, he is thrilling to watch. Episode 2 is out on January 5th and there is a short wait for the final episode of the Series which isn't released until February 2nd.
If for some reason you have been living under a rock or have simply not got round to watching it yet, I mean seriously what are you waiting for. You will not be sorry, and there are only 3 episodes in a series so it won't take you long at all. Go ahead get going !!!
Excellent review, enjoyed reading it��